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Compassionate Conflict Management Initiative

The International Center's focus in addressing with conflict incorporates three program tracks:

Conflict Management
Compassionate Violence Prevention and Restoration
Trust Leadership:
Trained Practitioners


We are living in a time of pervasive conflict — interpersonal to international. It embodies suspicion, intolerance, outrage, hatred, and condemnation. It sometimes takes the form of brutality — interpersonal to international. Amid the righteous rancor, hatred, and shouting, the value and practice of compassion emerges as a powerful and practical antidote to humanity’s dark night of the soul.

Florian Olivio, Unsplash

Powerful and Practical Responses to Conflict

The International Center's Compassionate Conflict Management tracks includes three areas of focus:

  1. Compassionate Conflict Management
  2. Compassionate Violence Prevention and Restoration
  3. Compassionate Trust Leadership

Responding to Conflict

Compassionate Conflict Management (CCM) is a new, advanced, and research-based form of conflict resolution that enfolds and transcends existing approaches to conflict management. Developed by the International Center's Ari Cowan and Tony Belak, JD, this new approach incorporates Tony's substantial background and rich experience in mediation with Ari's Integrative Conflict Management Model (ICM2) an Integrative Violence Prevention and Restoration Model (PAR Model).

A Public Health Response to Conflict

Compassionate Trust Leaders are trained organizational staff, community members, and professionals who provide information about compassionate conflict management; are an active voice for compassion, understanding, and the working out of differences, and are trusted members of their professions, organizations, or community social, faith-based, political, or other groups.

Two Advanced Approaches for Responding to Conflict

The Integrative Conflict Management Model and the Integrative Violence Prevention and Restoration (PAR) Model are powerful, evidence-based, cognitive approaches to conflict and violence built upon a public health foundation. . They are a significant departures from the traditional "moral" and “punitive” approaches. These models incorporate new thinking about and language for describing conflict and violence, provide a new framework for effective and sustainable responses conflict, and present an effective alternative to the commonly used traditional punitive-based approaches for dealing with destructive human hostility..

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  The International Center for Compassionate Organizations is a nonprofit, public health, and public service organization
working to foster the value and practice of compassion in organizations worldwide.
Copyright ©2024 by the International Center for Compassionate Organizations. All rights reserved.
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